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The Bounce Back Loan Scheme

Following extensive lobbying, the Government has acknowledged the necessity for substantial support financially for businesses across the UK who had been struggling to access the CBILS loan scheme. On 27th April, the Chancellor announced intentions to introduce the Bounce Back Loan Scheme to support small and medium-sized businesses borrow between £2,000 and £50,000. What is the Bounce Back Loan Scheme?...

Introducing: Wiro Academy

Its been months in the making but we are finally there. Together with the teams from Wiro Agency and BLACK LABEL UK, we have completed phase one of the launch of Wiro Academy! Wiro Academy has been developed as a resource hub for graphic designers and agency owners. We are cramming it full of useful resources that you can take...

Steps you can take now to protect your business

These are unusual times. Well, then. Who could have predicted a wet market in Wuhan would impact the workers and businesses of Leicester, 5498 miles away, in such a bewildering way? Being in business is often about adapting to adversity. Coping with the unexpected. Responding to change.Bold entrepreneurs do not lack spirit or ingenuity. There will be disruption of course. But...

Looking After Your Business During The COVID-19 Coronavirus Crisis

Today, in this current crisis we find ourselves in, your employees’, clients’ and the community’s wellbeing is of the utmost importance, nothing is more paramount. Nevertheless, many businesses are still running be it at a much-reduced rate or for those key businesses, at normal capacity or beyond, life does go on. The COVID-19 Coronavirus has had devastating effects on an...

Tell-tale signs of when to rebrand your business

Have you ever had that feeling when your clothes which were once comfortable are now starting to feel a little snug? Or perhaps the feeling when you’re looking in a mirror and are tired of your hairstyle? It’s the same with brands. As times change, you may find that your brand is looking like a relic of days gone by,...

The questions you should ask before hiring a web designer

Not too long ago a research study commissioned by GoDaddy found that of the very small businesses in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, Turkey and India, 59% of them didn’t have a website. If you’ve ever been in the position of getting your website built, you’ll probably understand why that percentage is so high. The trouble so many...
Shall we get started?